- PVCR — abbreviation polyvinylchloride resinполивинилхлоридная [полихлорвиниловая] смола
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials . 1972.
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials . 1972.
Si/SiGe resonant tunnel diode — A Si/SiGe resonant tunnel diode is a resonant tunnel diode based on Si/SiGe heterojunctions. Both hole tunneling and electron tunneling have been observed. But the performance of Si/SiGe resonant tunnel diode is limited mainly because of the… … Wikipedia
Resonant tunnelling diode — A resonant tunnel diode (RTD) is a device which uses quantum effects to produce negative differential resistance (NDR). As an RTD is capable of generating a terahertz wave at room temperature, it can be used in ultra high speed circuitry.… … Wikipedia
Si/SiGe resonant interband tunnel diode — A Si/SiGe resonant interband tunnel diode (RITD) is a type of resonant interband tunnel diodeswhich is based on Si/SiGe materials.All types of tunnel diodes, including Si/SiGe resonant interband tunnel diodes,make use of the quantum mechanical… … Wikipedia